Saint Bernard / Mixed (long coat) : : Male : : Young : : X-Large
Learn more about the Saint Bernard.
Meet Joey he is a big energetic kind of guy! He is a sweet boy that needs a family that can give him the time, love and space he needs to decompress and trust you. He gets a little scared IF awoke suddenly and startled. He is NOT good with younger children and NO cats for this guy! He WILL REQUIRE A FENCED YARD as he does have a lot of energy. He will need lots of fun and playtime to get him the exercise he’ll need to stay a happy boy. He doesn’t like you to get right in his face. No apartments for this guy. If interested please submit an application at www.dashanimalrescue.org large breed experience preferred
More about JoeyGood with Dogs, Not Good with Cats, Good with Older/Considerate Kids Only, Somewhat vocal, Requires a yard, Leashtrained, Cratetrained, Skittish
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