Terrier / Mixed : : Young : : Small
Meet Patches and Remmy. Both female and about 5 years old. Patches (Black, white & tan) weighs about 15 lbs, Remmy about 6 lbs. They're a dynamic duo!! They love each other so much and NEED to adopt together! Owner was admitted to a rest home and then they were taken to the shelter where they didn’t do well and the shelter called us to take them in. They can sometimes take a little while to warm up to their new humans but once they do they’re total lovebugs. They are good with dogs and cats, crate trained per pads trained and they go outside to potty, if your looking for two puppers to add to your family they're it!! If interested please submit an application on our website www.dashanimalrescue.org More about Remmy & Patches (Bonded Pair) DuplicateGood with Dogs Remmy & Patches (Bonded Pair) Duplicate's sister, Remmy & Patches (Bonded Pair) (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Other Pictures of Remmy & Patches (Bonded Pair) Duplicate (click to see larger version):
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