Chihuahua / Rat Terrier / Mixed (short coat) : : Female : : Adult : : Small
Learn more about the Chihuahua. Learn more about the Rat Terrier.
Meet Cricket!! She is a black and tan chi mix. Cricket is 6 yrs old, 12 lbs, spayed, UTD on shots, and ready to meet her new family. She is blind in one eye due to an injury but has adjusted well. The best home for Cricket would be quiet, with someone who is home more often than not. She is good with most dogs and cats. Cricket has a sweet shy personality and needs patience to come out of her shell. She responds to kind words and treats. Cricket came from Kentucky where she experienced some trauma. She will growl if other dogs approach her while eating. Cricket doesn’t like storms and fireworks. However, she is fine with the vacuum cleaner. Her comical side comes out in time. Cricket plays with toys by herself. She shakes them and throws them. Cricket is also quite a singer. If you start howling, then she joins in. Cricket is housebroken and crate trained. She likes to have a crate to retreat to when she needs a break. Her markings include a mask and an upside down Batman symbol on her chest. Cricket is dressed to be your sidekick. Will you be her superhero? More about Cricket ChicGood with Dogs Cricket Chic's companion, Kisses (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Other Pictures of Cricket Chic (click to see larger version):
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