Husky / Mixed (short coat) : : Female : : Baby
Hello, my name is Janice. My life has been ruff, I contracted parvo and my owners abandoned me in the shelter. Luckily Dash Rescue, came to my rescue and saved my life. I love to play with my foster family and I love to run and play with others dogs. My favorite toy is my teddy bear and tennis ball. Just look into my eyes and you will be in love with me. I'm being potty trained right now, I do use my doggy door at my fosters to let my self out. When I'm outside I love to run and play. I will bring my ball to play fetch. Also I'm still a puppy so I have to be trained on all the fun things to learn. If you want me to be your new fur baby please fill out an application. Paws of love ....
If you're interested, submit an application online from our website. www.dashanimalrescue.org More about JaniceGood with Dogs, Good with Adults, Likes to play with toys, Playful, Affectionate, Goofy
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